Hi girls just to warn you all that Chickenpox is doing the rounds in Balbriggan. I was speaking to the chemist today and he said it is going round. I think Eoín has them but I'm not too sure. So just be warned!
Doc was telling me last week it was rampant in town.
I came down with it 3 wks ago and poor ds got it also, really bad (11wks old). Doc said it was the 2nd worst case he has ever seen. The poor little mite was so so ill and it has taken so much out of him but he is well on the mend now thank god. Its the most god awful disease I have ever come across.
Clodahg, if you see any signs of getting it yourself, get straight to the doc & ask for the anti viral meds they prescribe for shingles. Its the same virus & they should lessen the severity of the pox. It really knocked me for six but the antiviral meds really shortened it & helped a lot. Hopefully, you'll be fine thought.
thought this did the rounds already this year? hope DD doesn't get it but on the plus side she is young and they say they are better to get it now. was worried before when i heard it was about as pregnant at the moment. my nephew had it and asked the doc about it. she said as long as i've had it i'd be ok - hope your little ones get over it ok and yes it is a horrible disease