I am going to be starting work 2 days per week soon, the only problem is that most of the creches in Balbriggan will not take part time babies. I am looking to put my 8 month old baby in creche every tuesday and wednesday.
Is there anyone out there that is also looking for a creche part time, if so maybe we could creche share. If anyone is looking for a creche the 3 other days, or even if its 2 out of the 3 other days, or maybe even 1 day (some creches take babies 3 or 4 days per week)we could meet up and arrange to put our babies into the same creche. I am hoping to put my son into creche either straight away otherwise I can have family mind him for a few weeks or months until I find someone to creche share with me.
Louise I can higly recommend The Little People's Academy beside the post office. I have Eoín there 3 afternoons a week and I know they do take children 2 days a week too. The staff are brilliant and so approchable. Tara is the manager - 01-690 4060, give her a call and go see the place too.
Thanks for that Dors, but I have already spoke to Tara, and she doesn't have a place available for the 2 days that I am looking for. I'm hoping that a place will become available soon though.