Just wondering if anybody out there is using cloth nappies. I have just started using them on Isabella (15 weeks today!!!) and am using ordinary cloth and bambino mio. they are a bit bulky sometimes and the variety of fitted and shaped (can't get my head around what the difference there is?!) is huge. If anybody is using them would love to know what they have founf good.
I am using cloth on my son. We use FuzziBunz during the day and TotBots at night. This is apparently a very common combination and it has certainly proved popular for us. Hadn't heard good things about Bambino Mio so didn't go down that road.
Thanks for the suggestions mary. Am still investigating, definitely need to explore some fitted nappies or just learn to put them on better. Had a big leakage situation today Still it's early days, hope to get the hang of it all soon
I really eased myself very slowly into cloth. Was very lucky in that the first ones I bought proved successful for me. I am hoping to make it to the picnic on Friday on the Green so if you are going to be there I can show you my Fuzzis (yes, I know that sounds smutty!!)
Im using Bambino Mio during the day and disposibles at night, and am finding them to be very good. At first I found that they did leak but the more you wash them the more absorbent they become.
I was a little concerned about nappy rashes to begin with, but fingers crossed we have not had any but that probably because I change him about every 2 hours.
I would recommend Bambino Mio and would be very interested in the bad press they have had.
i use cloth nappies with my little girl who is nearly 2 now, at the moment she is using imse vimse which are shaped nappies, with a booster. have other terry type shaped ones but can't remember what they are called - tot bots i think?
when DD was small i had tot bots, fuzzi buns and fluffle (which are very soft) and hope to use them again on new baby who was due on friday but obviously not ready to come out yet!
if you want to come round and have a look you would be more than welcome
I've been using Tots bots nappies for the last 7 months, bamboozles and fluffles, I love using them, as everytime I use pampers or huggies, there is always leakages with a dirty nappy. Fluffles are great as they dry really quickly and are very soft, however they are quite bulky, so I use these over night and when in the house. I love the bamboozles as these are less bulky, they just take longer to dry. Both nappies are extremelly absorbent and great value for money.