Yeah have been round to the medical centre myself with Ella. GREAT hours of opening and the doctor is really nice. HE really knows his stuff regarding kids as he has a two year old himself.
It's great to know the doctor is nice. I have been thinking of a change, since I am very unhappy with the doctor I have been going to since Conor was born. I won't mention where, but I have always felt rushed and a bit like a silly first time mum when I go there. I'm definitely going to change.
I have to say I felt a bit like that where I used to attend but I have to say where Ella is concerned I will be taking her back round to Dr O Mathuna.
We have been to see him four times ( just for checks to make sure she is ok ) and never once have I been made to feel like a silly first time mother ( even though I though I might be ). To be honest when they are so young they can not tell us whats wrong so I feel its better to be safe than sorry.