I'm not sure what we're going to get Daniel yet. He's still a bit young to know what's going on and I know he'll get loads of stuff from our families so we're not going to go too mad.
I saw a few Bear in the Big Blue House teddies on Ebay so obviously they do exsist. Maybe ring around a few of the major toy stores like Toymaster or Smiths?
thanks Clodagh, Will check Ebay for him. I know that they don't NEED anything now as they all have so much. But I want to get him something to mark the occasion. What's everyone else getting?
I'm not sure yet, he loves Mickey Mouse but he already has a Mickey Mouse teddy so maybe some DVDs or something. I got him a huge poster for his room and he loves it!
Dont know if either of you have seen the latest Elmo out at the moment. He is the 10th Anniversary special and his is excellent. Ella LOVES Elmo so we bought it for her. He does lots of different things but mainly he laughs and rolls around the floor. I know you may think he is a bit "OTT" but I really think he is excellent ( and so does Ella ).
Did you know that Argos has 25% off all the V-Tech toys until the 14th ( only thinking thats tomorrow ) but there are loads of great V-Tech toys out this year. Very educational ones.
Hope you find something. And I know what your saying Clodagh about getting LOADS from the family but I have told a lot of them to buy Ella some books for stories at bedtime because its a great way of relaxing for both mammy and baby after a long day!!!!
I'm a bit of a sucker for Christmas and always spend too much - so this year with DS around it's going to be worse.
DH and I went to Smyths on Tuesday morning, we were there for about 10.30am and couldn't believe the amount of people there! Anyway we bought Conor the Fisher Price Choo Choo train, a ride-on/trike thing and some story books.
I'd recommend TK Max for inexpensive toys too - I got a Chicco shape shorter dump-truck for only €5
Can't believe Santa will be coming this year to our house. Isabella loves Elmo just like Ella so Santa will be bringing the tickle me Elmo Gillian mentioned. He is hysterical and completely over Isabella's head at the moment but we are having the best time with him. He may never be in the shops again so definitely worth it! Anybody who comes to the house gets a viewing provided Santa is not coming to them this year but my nieces and nephews could hear him laughing in the next room with their parents and were so curious!!