Yeah, we put up our tree on Sunday - well I put it up (Andy just took the stuff down from teh attic) decorating is not really his thing LOL
But I love decorating the tree - I was happily singing "Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree....", Sean just sat there starring confused at me (don't blame him there )
As for traditions - we don't really have any, I don't think !! Over the last few years we've either gone to my mams or andy's mams for dinner - this year we're going away for christmas (to Florida yipeee) so that will break that tradition .... so from next year we'll be having dinner at home now that Sean is here... have our own little family christmas dinner...
It's strange going away for christmas - it doesn't feel like christmas, suppose cos I'm not running round like a mad thing buying clothes and food and booze !! Though i will my christmas dinner - oh waking up christmas morning, putting on a fry and sitting down to Charlie and Chocolate Factory (the old one !!) Don't think I'll plan a trip for chrismtas again....