If you want to text me the picture, I can put it up on the message for you?
I'll PM my number to you.
p.s. I edited your telephone number out of the post because anybody can access this board. If people are interested, you can PM your number to them. Hope that's OK!
Hope all is well. I think I may be having trouble getting messages through the site,I think I may be doing something wrong! Anyway, I don't mind my mobile being in the ad for the pram I am selling. I don't get to check the site all that often and may miss a message so for that reason I was happy for anybody to get me at my mobile. I am not sure if it is possible to put it back into the ad. If it is it's 087 2999213. Thanks, Laura
The reason you aren't receiving notification when someone sends you a private message is because, in your Profile Settings, where is says Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages? you've picked No. If you want to change that just click on your name, then on the lefthand side, under Profile, click on Settings.
Otherwise I can do it for you?
I'm just very wary of people leaving private information on the site because you never know who's looking at it.