Hi all, jus like to say Im a few days new to this site. I also think its great to have a site like this for parents. Im living here in Balbriggan three years now and have a 20 year old girl and a four month old boy Craig hes a real pet and Im gettn used to bein a mum again .
By the way how do I add the picture at the end of the message does anyone know?
Welcome Amarie - wow it must be strange being a new mom again.
To edit your details click on your name on the top right hand side of the screen and you can pick any of the options to edit any details. I'm not too sure on how to add a photo but one of the buttons should be to upload a photo.
Clodagh is on holidays right now, but I'm sure if you haven't got it sorted by then, she can help you. Sorry I'm not IT minded at all.
Congratulations on becoming a mum again - that's some age gap! Although, having a 20 year old girl around might have its benefits when the little bundle arrives! And I'd say definitely a lot easier than having a 20 month old child with a new born.
By the way how do I add the picture at the end of the message does anyone know? Do you mean the picture underneath the messages that says what age the member's child is? If so, just click on the any of the ones I, or other members have and you will be directed to the website where it was created. Just follow the instructions to create your own. You will be then given a code to use on this website to add to your signature. Most websites will give a choice of codes (as different websites use different codes). For this website you need to choose the HTML code. Highlight all of it and copy it. When you return to this website, go into your profile (do this by clicking on your name on the top right-hand corner where it says Logged in as. When you get to your profile you'll see a column on the left-hand side with a number of different options. Under Profile you'll see Signature. Click on this and you'll see a box similar to the one your type your posts into. On the top right-hand corner of the box (near the font type, paragraph aligning, etc.) you'll see the letters HTML. Click on this and another box should pop up. Paste the code you copied from the other website into this box and then click on Update. Your ticker should be saved and you'll see it if you go back to this post or any other post you've written.
Sorry this is so long winded! If your confused or need any more help just let me know or Private Message me.