I have posted this topic in Creches and childcare but it occured to me that it might be relevant to people who aren't currently using/looking for childcare but might need the facility in the future so I thought I'd post it here so all would see it. I hope that's ok? If not please could the moderators leave just one up where you think its most relevant. Thanks Nancy I am involved with Balbriggan Childcare Committee and our aim is to set up an affordable full day integrated childcare facility in Balbriggan. At present there is no such community facility in Balbriggan and high childcare costs mean that many people can't access training, education and employment opportunities or are paying a high proprtion of their earnings to childcare providers. We have identified a suitable site in Balbriggan and we are in the process of applying for a childcare grant in order to set up. We envisage the facility will cater for children from under 12 months up and we intend to offer places for the length of hours that parents need. E.g full time, playschool, part time, a few hours a day etc. There is a lot to do to apply for the grant and to set up and run this much needed community facility and we need new members to achieve this. Anyone who is interested can contact Lisa Tonge at Co-operation Fingal on 018020484 or by sending me a private message or by posting in this topic.