Hi, just wondering if anyone can tell me when their little ones had developmental checks. PHN hasnt called out since just after ds Ryan was born. i thought there was meant to be one at about 3 months and/or 9 months. He's now 12 months and still no checks.
Do i have to make appointments for these? i assumed they contacted me but i must be wrong
don't get me started on the phn service here! yes i'm afraid you do have to make the appointments yourself as otherwise you'll be left to fend for yourself! you leave a message and they get back to you (eventually). should have had a six month and one year check and baby is also due an 18 month check ... hope this helps and good luck ... oh if you don't make an appoinment i think you can just pop up to the health centre on a wednesday afternoon (i think it is)
Linda, the PHN contacted me for every check. Not sure what way it's based. But as breastfed for so long I would have had a long relationship with the PHN.
I would seriously consider writing a letter if you aren't happy with the level of treatment you have recieved as I would imagine that the HSE has a responsibility to ensure you have information to enable you to get you child the best health attention responsible.
The PHN called me for all my appointments and was surprised because Erin got her 18 month check pretty close to after she was 18 months as they are usually months behind. Have to say phn that did the 18 month check was not vey nice. Made me feel like I have never done this before even though I have a 9 year old and asked me did I know how to potty train. Came out fuming but she was signed off so dont have to go back again.
There is a walk in clinic every Wednesday between 2 and 4.30 you can babies weighed and chedcked over went a few time they were lovely in it. Only problem is it can be very busy so either get there early or leave it till around 3.30 to go.