Hi just to let you all know that the Balbriggan toddler group is due to restart on September 3rd at 10am in the Order of Malta Hall on Hampton Street. This group is on both Mondays and Fridays.
The Balrothery group will restart on September 14th at 10:30am in the Heritage Centre in Balrothery. This group is only on Fridays.
Both groups cost approx 3 which covers a cup of tea and contributes to toys and insurance.
There is also a group in Balscadden on Wednesday but I don't have any details on that.
Do you know what age range the toddler group is for? I'd quite like to go to the Balbriggan one on a Friday, however my son will only be 9 months in September, is he old enough to go?
We were actually only discussing this the other day, it should really be called parent and child group - every age up to 5 is welcome. I brought Eoín from 9 weeks!!!! Do come along, everyone is welcome and we'd love to have a chat and meet you.
Balrothery group will be open on Friday but the Balbriggan one is closed ALL next week.
I'll definetly go to the one in Balbriggan then when it opens back up. I just wasn't sure as one of the public health nurses had said that it wasn't for babies.
babies are definitely at these parent / toddler meetings ... PHN is actually visiting me today so i'll mention that babies are allowed so that they aren't misleading any new babies to the area
Tha'ts a good idea, as I had wanted to go when Sean was first born to meet other mums in the area. I was only glad that I was breastfeeding and could go to that group instead.
And there may be others that were told the same by the phn.
Hi, Can anyone tell me what day the toddler group meets and also what exactly happens at the group. I've never been to one before and I'm not sure whether to bring both of my children (age 2yrs and 3months) or if it's best to leave the baby behind if it's interactive play with toddlers etc, Thanks Celine
Balbriggan group meets on a Monday and Friday 10am-12pm and Balrothery group only meets on a Friday from 10am-12:30.
It's a chance for moms to have a chat and the kids to play. Children of ALL AGES are welcome. I first brought Eoín at 9 weeks of age. I would definately advocate bringing both kids.
Give it a try some day and see how you go. Good luck!
Yeah that should be no problem - think the only requirement is that you bring a child - there are some granmothers who come so shouldn't be a problem at all.