Hi all, I am hosting a book sale in aid of the North Fingal Autisma nd aspergrs group.Its on Friday morning at 10 ish till about 12 ish.30% of the cost of all books purchased goes towards the group.It a chance to get all your christmas gifts and support a good cause.I am not going to post my address, so if you can come, whichI hope yous all can I will pm you my address.Free coffee , tea and loads of gossip. thanks all, cathy
Thank you so much for coming.We sold nearly 500 euro worth of books for thats about 150 for the group. thanks again, Dors/Sharon it was lovely to meet with you, sorry I couldnt chat , mad house as always. cathy
hi all, the girl that does the books said, if anyone wants to order books they can throguh me for the next two days and the Autism group will still get the 30 %. So, www.books4kids4less.com is the site, pm me your order, dont put it through on the site and I will order and arrange for collection, cheers, cathy