Think it's time to move Eoín to formula, he seems to get enough from me but when I try to express milk to leave for him there isn't even enough for 2 4oz bottles.
First of all congratulations on continuing for as long as you did. Not many people people last as you do (especially when, like yourself, they return to work) and the benefits of your persistence with, and commitment to, breastfeeding will last Eoín a lifetime
I know it can be hard when it happens. I gave up when Daniel was five months old because I had to take steroids. I found it very hard and it was only the fact I was taking medication that stopped me from going back to it. I was told that it can be a very emotional time because your hormones can be a bit all over the place initially so be kind to yourself and keep reminding yourself of the good job you've done!!! It helped me to think about the extra freedom I now had as a result of giving up.
Because Eoín is that bit older than Daniel, the experience for both you and Eoín will probably differ to mine. Maybe somebody else has been through this and can offer a bit of advice
Since Isabella was 7 1/2 weeks old she has been taking formula as well as breastmilk and it has worked really well, I was lucky she took to both. Like you, I had no joy expressing any milk and started giving her a bottle and as she liked it quickly moved her onto two bottles of aptimil. this works great as I always breastfeed her first thing in the morning and she gets two bottles during the day, (one always last thing at night) and then the other feeds I breastfeed. Maybe this might work with Eoin so that he takes formula when you are at work and then you are not fussed and stressed having to express milk that just does not seem to want to come out (that was how I felt!!). For me expressing milk was a hassle that i just could not deal with, especially in those early days and weeks when it took me all my strength to just feed Isabella. In any case, Eoin is a little darling who has clearly thrived and hopefully the next stage of his growth and development will be smooth sailing for you both!
You've done brilliant to get this far, and Eoin is a lucky boy to have had such a fantastic start. I know you are disappointed to have to introduce formula - but you don't have to give up completely if you don't want to. There is still a lot of benefit in giving even BF per day, as well as formula and solid food.
I agree with everything Ruth and Laura have said. You might remember that, towards the end, Daniel was only getting one or two breast feeds per day, the biggest one first thing in morning. Perhaps you could still give him his morning feed like this for a while?
Hi guys, thanks so much for all the encouragement. We are up to 2.5 bottles a day and breastfeeding in the morning and sometimes in the evenings. Thanks for the website too Ruth, great information. Transition is going much smoother than I expected but I'm really pleased too. Thanks again.
It's good to hear that some of you are managing on just one breastfeed a day bacause all of a sudden that is all Isabella wants and it has seemed to come out of the blue. She has started her real solids (as in food I mush up for her and not milupa!) and she is a really hungry baby (always has been) and she is just not interested in having a breast feed during the day. She started to scream and cry and physically turn away which made me feel great as you can imagine! AS i don't want to make feeding her and food a battle I had to give up feeds during the day and am just feeding her in the morning which so far she seems to be happy with. She can't get her food fast enough sometimes and my milk supply was never the fastest it seems! I am taking it one day at a time but I am surprised at how upset I have been over it all. I mean, it wasn't going to go on for ever, we all know that! but she is only 4 months old and i wasn't ready even if she was! Still, I am used to the idea now. It is amazing to see her assert her independence and opinions at this stage! and fingers crossed she will be happy with her feed every morning.
She started to scream and cry and physically turn away which made me feel great as you can imagine! AS i don't want to make feeding her and food a battle I had to give up feeds during the day and am just feeding her in the morning which so far she seems to be happy with. Still, I am used to the idea now. It is amazing to see her assert her independence and opinions at this stage! and fingers crossed she will be happy with her feed every morning.
It's so hard emotionally Laura, Eoin is now like that, turning away during the day. He still loves the boob in the morning but that's pretty much it now. I just take comfort in the fact that we got to breastfeed our children as long as we have. Poor Eoin is off most food now, he's teething quite badly, poor thing. Bum is in bits!