Just wondering if anybody has any helpful hints for bathing baby.
Zoe has gotten too big for her baby bath, but still cannot sit alone. She loves the bath and splashes around like mad , but I 'm afraid to put her in the big bath beacuse there is so much room and most of the time it is like trying to hold on to a slippery eel.
A friend of mine baths her son in the sink. I never did but it's a perfect height and if you put enough towels around then should be grand. I was given a loan of some sponge that was cut with the baby's shape, it was fab, really brill. He could splash as much as he liked and he truly loved the independance of not being held all the time. Hope that helps.
There are loads of little seats and other gadgets that you can buy for the bath, although I'm not sure how easy it would be to wash a baby properly if they were strapped into a little seat
For me it was just practice. Vinny doesn't get home from work until 9.30pm so Daniel is always in bed before he gets home. I had to learn to bath him by myself or otherwise the poor little mite would never have had a bath! I was really nervous when I started bathing him by myself and thought I'd never get the hang of it. It really isn't as hard as you think, it just takes a bit of confidence and, as I said above, practice. Maybe it might help if you get somebody to stay with you for the first while, just until you feel OK about doing it yourself? You'll soon be able to bath little "Eel Girl" by yourself without any problems.