Was just round with Dr O Mathuna with Ella getting her checked out and was telling him about our web site and how I had mentioned about him on here and he has suggested that if we would like him to give an Education Day ( at some lunch time maybe ) that he would be glad to speak to us.
I am sure we could discuss the topic with him but as we all have young children that might be a topic to start with. He is excellent with children and gave Ella the best care ever. We were twice to see him yesterday and once again this morning all just to make sure things were ok with her.
Dont know if you would all be interested but I think all information is greatly appreciated.
Brilliant idea, I'd love to go. I think that if it goes ahead it would be fantastic as someone might ask him a question that I or someone else hadn't thought of. Yeah I'm up for it!
Yeah, Daniel and I went up to him last week when we both had that virus and he seems really lovely. It's funny, because I was only thinking afterwards that I should have mentioned the site to him, but I was feeling too rotten at the time I think he has a young child himself.
Ella is not too bad now. She is getting better because she is starting to get into her stroppy moods as if she was well again.
I am deffo on for the education days myself but hopefully we could do them at weekends or the evenings as I am at work all day. I suppose if enough or us were interested we could have a chat to him about it.
Yeah Clodagh he has a 2 year old he was telling me who is a stroppy 2 year old and does not eat ( so he said ). He is really nice and very good with the kids.
Yeah, Laura, I think that would be a great topic. It would be good to know that if (God forbid) anything happened, you'd be able to do something to save your child's life.
I don't know if it would be possible, but weekends would suit me best because otherwise I'd have to bring Daniel with me.
Good thinking Laura - something every parent should know ...
Thinking of changing my GP too - think it would be best to have a local GP rather than having to travel over to our GP in Ballymun (especially if there is an emergency) - have heard only good things about Dr. O Mathuna - worth going round for a chat anyway :)
To be honest Doreen I have not been back round to see him ( thank god ). I am sure if it was a thing that we were interested we could ask him. As I am back at work it will be hard for me to get to do it so if anyone else would like to do it??????????????????
He is very approachable and I am sure he will speak about any topic we ask about.