Anyone been to the new cinema ? I haven't managed to get there myself yet !! Heard its quite nice though... My neighbour was there this morning with her little fella down in the kids club... she was saying it was only 5 for the cinema plus he got a small popcorn and small drink (adult free) and when the kids bring their rubbish out to the bin they get a small bag of sweets to take away !! I think thats just brill :) Can't wait till Sean is big enough to bring him down ... I love all those kids movies myself :)
Its great to have the cinema so close by - so when the babies get older we can bring them down to the kids club (or when they grow up even more they can go down with their pals ...)
Myself & Ciaran went to the cinema couple of weeks ago its great been so close to home. I think there are two large screens and then three smaller one but it lovely and all the food really fresh , the seats are great too. How u getting on in work? Hope to see urself & Sean on friday
I must try get down some weekend myself - haven't been the cinema in ages (can't remember what the last film was I saw)
Well, work is going grand I have to be honest, not as bad I thought it would be... the early start is a killer though LOL .... the three day week is grand, it just flies in :)
Yeah, we'll be there tommorow for coffee - see you then :)
Oh, Sean got his first tooth there on Monday !! How bout Charlie - did any come through yet ?